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【学术讲座】Ratchet and Fatigue Analysis of Structures under Generalised Thermo-Mechanical Loading

(发布日期:2018-12-20 点击数:7)


主 办:1929cc威尼

时 间:2018-12-23 14:30

地 点:1929cc威尼南201室


陈浩峰教授,英国Strathclyde大学机械与航空系博士生导师,华东理工大学讲座教授,威尼斯登录入口welcome兼职教授,英国皇家工程学院高级研究员,前美国ASME压力容器技术杂志副主编,英国机械工程师学会会士(Fellow),英国高等教育学院会士(Fellow),美国机械工程师学会会员, 英国特许工程师。于1994、1995年和1998年分别获得清华大学工程力学系固体力学专业学士、硕士和博士学位。2008年加盟英国Strathclyde大学,所建立的用于材料及结构设计和完整性评估的新型数值方法及相应规范和软件,达到国际领先水平。


In this talk, both the ratcheting including material ratcheting and structural ratcheting, and fatigue including high cycle fatigue (HCF) and low cycle fatigue (LCF) are discussed for structures subjected to cyclic loading condition. For the ratchet analysis of structures, both the bisection method and generalized method are presented using the Linear Matching Method (LMM) Direct Steady Cycle Analysis (DSCA) procedure. The LMM DSCA method and its software tool are further presented for the low cycle fatigue assessment of structures, with a comprehensive case study of a pressurized shell in the nuclear power plant, considering both the temperature dependent R-O model and the EPP model. Finally the effects of creep on ratcheting and fatigue are discussed and the LMM extended DSCA is presented for the creep fatigue analysis of structures, with a detailed case study of Mental Matrix Composites (MMCs).